Friday, September 16, 2011

Dr. Denenberg Day 2, Part 1

Dr. Dennis Denenberg

Day 2, Part 1:

Fanny Packs (Similar to the mystery box):  Fill a fanny pack with different items that represent a hero.  Teach the hero or historical figure through the items that are in the fanny pack.

Hero Amusement Park Pamphlet:  Front page = details about what is inside (location of the person), Chronology of their life, welcome letter to the patrons visiting (ex: Welcome!  Please enjoy yourself as you ride the many rides in my park and learn about my life.  Take in the wonderful surroundings of Arles that inspired many of my works of art.  Thank you!  Vincent).  Inside = pictures and the "rides" that the person would be visiting.  (Ex:  VanGogh Sunflower Picture:  "The Sunflower Swings:  This ride is named after one of Vincent's most famous paintings, "Fourteen Sunflowers.")

Jobs Board:  You put up a hero or historical figure and put details about the different roles that the characters played in pictures, but each of their jobs is a job for the classroom.  Example:  Ben Franklin

Hero Body Outline:  Trace the outline of a student.  In the outline they spotlight their hero/historical figure.  They put details and pictures all over the body.  On the back, they put characteristics about the person and have to explain why they chose those characteristics.  Put these on their chairs for Open House. 

Nobody is perfect!  Remember, all heroes have flaws.  Don't elevate the flaws, but don't hide them either.  Introduce the flaws of a hero in a way kids can developmentally can understand them. 

Hero Good and Bad Paddle:  Teaching the kids things about the historical hero and have the kids decide if it was them as GOOD or BAD.  This will spark debate for their decision.  They will need to support it to their classmates.

Hall of Fame or Hall of Shame:  (see handout) Have each student do their own work for Hall of Fame/Shame.  Then compose teams and have them decide by answering a question whether their side gets to do Hall of Fame or Hall of Shame.  Then they collaborate on their side.

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